Not all alternative investment strategies are "institutional" products, but the vast majority of managers position and market their product solely in the institutional channels. The Savino Group can help you determine where you are in the life cycle of alternative investment funds, build a roadmap to penetrate your target market throughout the life of your fund, and position your fund to optimize the potential for success.
Portfolio managers often only have one chance to make an impression on a prospective investor, so it is imperative to communicate the right information from the start. The Savino Group has built pitchbooks, tear sheets, websites, and white papers for audiences ranging from institutional to investment advisors to retail.
Once materials are in place, a comprehensive plan to keep that information in front of the right prospects and clients is established. From implementing Customer Relationship Management technology to evaluating and building a conference calendar, we help design the marketing strategies to maximize your ROI.
If hiring an employee to execute on the marketing strategy isn't part of your company's business model, The Savino Group can be your partner to fully manage all aspects of marketing.